Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week Two, Day One

Down to 192 pounds! That's 5 pounds in one week!


Julie said...

Wow! What was your technique?

Angela said...

5 pounds in one week??? How'd you do that??? I can't even lose that much that fast! You people make me sick! Grrr. I still love ya. ;O) That's awesome!

Pam said...

I usually have a generic slim-fast shake for breakfast. Then either another one for lunch or a bowl of corn chex with skim milk. I eat whatever Matt fixes for dinner; but I don't stuff myself. I also drink a lot less Dr. Pepper. If I need a snack I have an apple or a sno cone.

Angela said...

Are those Slim Fast shakes filling? They actually hold you through the day without feeling like you're starving?

Julie said...

Is it week 3 yet? I want more frequent status updates here!!! :)