Monday, November 16, 2009

What happened?

7 years ago today I checked into the hospital, 9 months pregnant, weighing in at 175 pounds. Nine months pregnant...175 pounds! I am currently at 199 pounds. "Diet-Take 1" crashed and burned. I am officially starting "Diet-Take 2." Good-bye Dr. Pepper. Maybe I'll give your cousin Diet Dr. Pepper a whirl.


Julie said...

We just got P90X yesterday. I can't do the workouts with Kevin because I'm not allowed to exercise yet...but it's got a meal plan...I'll let you check out the nutrition guide.

Good Luck!

P.S. Happy Birthday to Hannah. Any gift suggestions? I was just going to give it to her when you come to visit.

Angela said...

:O( So sorry. I hate diets. They never seem to work. Good luck with your Diet Dr. Pepper project. Hope it works for you.