Thursday, November 5, 2009


Halloween was 5 days ago. I am sooo very sorry for letting these five days pass without sharing the photos of my adorable children in their adorable costumes. My cousin Julie posted her photos on the day of Halloween. She is a much better mother than I am.

Here are my Cyborg Alien, Senorita, Cheerleader, and Ninja for your enjoyment.
Here is my pumpkin butt. (pun intended)
Here are the pumpkins that were carved.And here is Daddy and Alice passing candy out to trick-or-treaters. If anyone would like to see any more Halloween themed pictures from our household, please ask.


Julie said...

Your kiddos are adorable. Thanks for posting the pictures (with the captions)! Sorry it took you so long to get it all put in the order you wanted.

Your pumpkin carving skills are outstanding. I'm totally impressed. What a bonus!

Love ya!

Our Blessed Journey said...

adorable!! (and you thought three people view your blog:)

Angela said...

Very cute indeed!! I'm a bad mother, too. I don't even post pictures of my daughter...daddy usually does that. lol. So if you want to see pictures of Julianna @ the Pickle Party (aka Costume party), they're on Jerry's facebook profile. Mind you, she's very cranky @ the party, she wouldn't wear her halo & she wouldn't wear her wings. Baaaaad afternoon. lol.