Saturday, April 25, 2009

Uninvited Guest.

There is a mouse in my house. I slept in Hannah's bed last night. (The top bunk.)


Julie said...

That doesn't sound good. Unless it is Mickey.

Julie said...

So, what's the mouse situation now? Evicted yet?

Pam said...

Ohh yes! I caught him myself with 16 strategically placed glue traps!

Julie said...

16!! Wow, you are thorough.

Pam said...

No, I'm a big chicken!

Angela said...

My comment didn't show!!! I HAAAD said the mouse will not eat you, my dear, just your food. lol. We had many a mouse problem in our years in the trailers. Just set a few traps with peanut butter & they'll be dust by morning light. lol. But I see you already took care of the problem. Hopefully this is the end of your mousey misfits. :OD