Thursday, March 5, 2009

...and Pam Came Tumbling After.

So I fell down the stairs again yesterday, and this time I decided to really do it right. I'm pretty sure I broke my tailbone. I've been told that they don't do anything for a broken tailbone besides prescribe pain medicine and an orthopedic pillow. I've already got both of those. So I don't see much point in going to the doctor just so he can send me a bill. I did try to "mix it up" a little bit. This time I went down the basement stairs. I've also been told that it may take a good 4 to 6 months for it to heal. Which is great considering my wedding is in 4 months. That should be fun. Maybe I can get my butt pillow sewn right into my dress.


Julie said...

Get well soon!

(Love the title, again!)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Pam. Why do you keep falling down stairs??? I don't like this at all....that worries me. :O(