Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Going Places.

We went to Matt's sister's house this past weekend for his family's Christmas celebration. It was wonderful! It was absolutely everything I've ever dreamed of. I also went to the dentist on Monday and got my permanent filling. Boy, I forgot how nice it is to be able to chew on both sides of your mouth at the same time!

Julie said...
Well now I'm jealous. Was Christmas at Matt's sister's house better than Christmas at my house? What does she do that I don't? I NEED to know. Gotta keep up with the Joneses, you know. :) Love ya! P.S. I'm glad that your filling worked out well, too.

Pam said...
Of course not, YOUR house is my absolute favoritest place to go for Christmas! But don’t tell anyone that I said that…lol. Actually the two are very similar in that there is family, and the house is decorated beautifully, and there is lots of yummy food. Although, Matt’s sister has one up on you, but unfortunately there isn’t anything you can do about it. Matt’s grandparents, and parents, and both sisters and their children were all there. And they all don’t only love each other, they like each other, and it shows. Even if I could get my parents and grandparents in the same room, it would still suck because everyone is petty and stupid and won’t let go of the past. And I don’t have any brothers or sisters, and my step-ones don’t even speak to me. And everyone is always complaining that the food is too spicy/salty/hot, or not spicy/salty/hot enough. Or there are lumps in the mashed potatoes. Or, “I can’t believe she wore that, doesn’t she look like a slut?” or “Is it my imagination or is her butt now big enough to play Twister on?” Matt’s mom played the piano and everyone was singing Christmas carols and laughing. Everyone was appreciative of their gifts. None of the kids said, “Is this it?” or “What were you thinking?” or “I already have one of these, but mine’s a lot nicer”. Each gift was bought or made with careful consideration of the receiver. Nothing was bought in mass quantities “just because it was on sale” and then distributed to every person in the room. (Never mind the fact that Uncle Ira doesn’t own a cat, cat food was on special!) It was amazing. It’s like these people came right out of a Christmas movie. I bawled like an idiot right there in front of everybody I was so happy. It’s the same feeling I get when I see your Dad with Connor, except multiplied by twenty. It was beautiful.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I dot a told. Yuck!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Never a Dull Moment.

Well, this week has been a bit of a roller coaster ride thus far and it’s only half over.
I had Monday off…good thing.
I fell down the stairs (yes, again)…bad thing.
Matt called from his parents’ house and said that he got a 6-point buck…good thing.
Tuesday I went back to work and found out that they laid off 12 more workers over Thanksgiving…bad thing.
Went to the dentist and got a temporary filling in the tooth I obviously broke while eating something very good for me…good thing.
Found out that with my wonderful new health insurance that took effect on the 1st that it should only cost me $200 for the permanent one…bad thing.
Returned home to find that our turtle is indeed still alive after not eating for 6 days…good thing.
Discovered that my scale is apparently broken because it says that I weigh 6 pounds more than I did two weeks ago…bad thing.
Matt called and said he is coming home a day early from his hunting trip…good thing.
I seem to be developing a cold…bad thing.
Found $2 in my pants pocket this morning…good thing.
Couldn’t find my keys so I was late to work…bad thing.
Rumors going around the office about them closing the factory all together…really bad thing.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm in Heaven.

Today I got my first “Jake hug.” I’ve been getting “Sam hugs” for over a month now and they have always been fabulous, but today was my first “Jake hug.” He has always been a little less sure of me than Sam, which is fine. But last night we were sitting in the kitchen working on his homework and laughing together. And then this morning when I was standing at the door getting ready to leave and asked for hugs, he was the first one to come up to me. I’m very excited.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Good News.

Matt met my grandparents, my father & step-mother, and my cousin Julie, her husband & son this past weekend...and he's still talking to me! He DIDN'T run for his life! I am amazed. My cousin Julie and her family were not the worry. They are great. I was actually looking forward to them getting to meet Matt. It's my grandparents and parents that I figured would be the deal breaker. Brave man.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I hurt myself. I'm guessing I did it while helping to move Stewart's 500 pound dog house, but I could be wrong. My back is killing me.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Foot Sludge.

Last night I was cleaning up my bedroom and I came across something I had totally forgotten about. When a man wears black socks, the sweat from his feet and the lint from the socks join to make foot sludge. After a man removes his socks at the end of the day, it glues itself right to the carpet. I would think that it would make a great roof sealant. Anything you need waterproofed, just slap from foot sludge on it. I think that I could have a multi-million dollar industry here. It’s gotta be something in man foot sweat because I don’t have this special gift.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yesterday I called my mother to check to see if she needed anything since I was going to be in her area last night. She said that she was good for a couple of days, but requested that I take her to get her haircut this weekend. I said that I would. Then she mentioned that she saw the live-in apartment manager for her building earlier that day in a scooter/electric wheelchair type thing for the first time. She has MS like my mom does. Mom said that she didn't like seeing what the future held for her. She's scared. I'm scared too.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Yesterday I was at a loss. Apparently I had drained the snack machine of its last Snickers bar on Friday and some idiot refilled the slot with Three Musketeers. I panicked and ended up with some cupcakes. Today I'm happy to report that the Snickers are back, but have moved from selection #144 to #147. I'm okay with that, just as long as they keep it stocked.

I've also noticed that many of my blog postings are turning out to be about food. Maybe I should change the name of my blog to "Pam's lunch corner" or "Snacks with Pam". I'm open to suggestions...

Friday, October 24, 2008


I usually have a Snickers bar and a Dr. Pepper for lunch. It has become a tradition. Healthy? Not so much, but yummy! Anyway, I didn't get my Snickers bar today. Some gals here at the office decided to go downtown and pick lunch up and generously offered to get me something. So I ordered a 10 inch meatball sub with every intention on eating half for lunch and then the other half for dinner tonight. Didn't happen. It's gone. Poor thing never had a chance.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Flu Shot.

I got a flu shot yesterday. I've gotten one every year since I was in high school and I don't recall ever getting the flu. My arm is sore though. I guess I'd rather have one day of sore arm than a week or more of flu. From what I hear it's not very much fun.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lemon Cake.

I usually snub lemon cake, but someone at work brought one in today and for some reason I thought I’d try it. It was really good! I had two pieces. It makes me wonder what else I might like if I actually tried new things more often.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's fun playing Amish.

Tuesday after work I went home to find that our power had been turned off. The nice people at the electric company left me a note on the door telling me so. The girls and I are moving into our new apartment on Friday, so I didn’t think too much of it. Three nights without electricity, how bad could that be? So I called Matt to ask if I could borrow a camping lantern or two for the duration and he offered his house as a refuge. So we stayed there Tuesday night. We drove home Wednesday morning to get dressed for work/school and after arriving at work I found that I had brown socks on with my black dress pants and shoes. We stayed at home last night, all three of us camping out in the living room. This morning I was very happy to find that our water heater is indeed a gas water heater, so we do still have hot water. So I bathed (by candlelight), at 7:45. Around 8:00 I realized that I had no power to run my hairdryer. So I left the house this morning at 8:15 with very wet hair. We are staying at Matt’s again tonight.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Life is Good.

I got to meet Matt’s boys on Sunday. They are adorable. They and the girls got along very well. Matt is coming this weekend to help me move into my new apartment. Jerry and Angie are meeting up with us on Saturday to help out too. Those two have moved me so many times I’ve lost count. They really are good friends. Brad and Mari are supposed to come Saturday to watch Ariel’s soccer game and then take the girls to their house afterward. Then Sunday, Matt and I are taking my mother for lunch so they can meet each other. Big weekend for Matt: meeting Brad & Mari, Jerry & Angie, and my mother! Poor guy! LOL

Friday, October 3, 2008

Goodbye, Friend.

Today is kind of a sad day for me. My 6-month-old baby boy moved out. The baby I’m referring to is my beagle, Stewart. I have wanted a beagle my whole adult life, and I just got him this past Mother’s Day. Unfortunately, I am now moving back into an apartment that does not allow pets. The only solace I have in the whole matter is that he is going to a fabulous home where he will have a fenced in yard to play in, and boys to play with, not to mention a very handsome master! The girls and I will also get to visit him whenever we want, which is more than I could have asked for in a situation like this.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thank God!

My boss just informed me that my company is laying 32 people off this morning...and I am NOT one of them! Which is surprising because I am the low man on the totem pole seniority wise. I do feel bad for those 32 people, but again - Thank God!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Obviously life has been pretty busy for me the past few months. I've moved, changed jobs, separated from my husband, my one daughter got hit by a car, my other daughter got glasses, I fell down the stairs, and I started a new fabulous relationship. I'm now looking at having to move *again*. Yuck!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trial Run.

My cousin Julie and my friend Angie both have blogs that I enjoy reading. I thought I would try it out for myself. I've always wanted to keep a journal or diary of some sort, but this is kind of different because everyone on the planet has access to it. I don't know how I feel about that yet. We will have to see what happens.